In this step by step DIY tutorial, you’ll learn how to make a Pikachu (Pokémon) resin pendant / magnet / charm from an ice mold.

Hello everyone, in this tutorial I’m sharing how to make your very own Pikachu resin pendants. This is a pretty simple DIY project where the most tedious and critical step is the paint job. You can use the finished pendants on a necklace or glue a magnet to the backside to hang documents on a refrigerator.
(For sneak peeks on upcoming projects follow me on Instagram and for more DIY project tutorials subscribe to my YouTube channel!)

I’ve been a fan of Pokemon for many years. As a child, I always look forward to watching a new episode of the TV show during Saturday morning cartoons. I also spent many hours playing Pokemon Yellow on the Gameboy Pocket trying to collect all 150 Pokemon. I have so many fond memories of the series and was super excited to see the Pokemon Indigo League available on Netflix. I started re-watching the show with my son and felt motivated to create some Pokemon themed projects.
RELATED POST: How to make a Darth Vader resin necklace.
Let’s get started with the project!
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What You’ll Need
To make the Pikachu pendant you’ll need the following items:
- Pikachu Ice Mold
- Casting Resin
- Resin Mixing Cups
- Resin Stirring Sticks
- Disposable Gloves
- Golden Sunset Spray Paint
- Gloss Spray
- Red, Black, and White Acrylic Craft Paints
- Miniature Paint Brushes
- A needle
- Sandpaper

NOTE: As of writing this tutorial, I noticed the ice mold that I purchased is not currently in stock. Here’s an alternative silicone Pikachu mold.
How to make Pikachu Resin Pendants
Here’s how to make the Pikachu resin pendants in three steps!

Step 1: Mix resin and carefully pour it into the mold

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before starting make sure you handle resin with great care (wear gloves + work in a well ventilated area) and follow the manufacture’s instructions.
I used Alumilite’s Amazing Casting Resin for this project. This resin cures white in 10 minutes. This doesn’t give you very much time to work with.

Once you pour the resin in the mold try to remove any air bubbles you might see. I used a toothpick to remove any that were stuck on the features of Pikachu’s face. After the resin cures, carefully remove the Pokemon from the mold.

Step 2: Spray paint the Pokemon yellow
Prior to painting, sand the backside of the pendants. This step may not be necessary for you, but if you notice rough edges and an even bottom, level it out with a little sanding on a flat surface.

Grab a can of Golden Sunset spray paint and cover the top and bottom sides of Pikachu with a layer of the golden paint.
Step 3: Paint Pikachu’s face
Once the base coat is dried, it’s time to paint the features of Pikachu’s face. This is the most difficult step of the project. It’s important that you take your time as the better the paint job, the better the project with look once it’s complete.

Paint the tips of Pikachu’s ears black. I needed two layers of paint here.
A paint brush is too large for painting Pikachu’s eyes, eyelids and nose. Grab a needle or something with a sharp point to fill in those areas. Just dip the tip into paint and dab the needle into those sections of Pikachu’s face. You’ll need a steady hand and a little patience.
Easily the most frustrating step in the whole project.
Paint Pikachu’s cheeks and mouth with red paint and the light of his eye with white paint.
Allow the paint to dry before spraying the pendants with a clear gloss spray.
DIY Pikachu Resin Charm
Thanks for checking out my project. I hope you’ve been inspired to go make a set of Pokemon pendants too.

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